Chamber Membership

Greater Lawrence County Area Chamber of Commerce

 Click here for the Chamber Membership Application and Investment Schedule (PDF)

Putting a Face on Business 

The key to business success is relationships built on trust. Unfamiliarity breeds contempt. It leads to generalizing, stereotyping, and suspicion. But a business with a face, that is, relationships built over time with owner and management, yields just the opposite. Relationships, however, take time and effort.

The Chamber offers opportunities for you to put a face on your business. Our monthly luncheon meetings offer just such an opportunity. Involvement on one of our committees affords the opportunity for you to forge more in-depth working relationships with other business leaders in our area. A link on our Chamber web-site exists for you to advertise. All of these are ways to "put a face on your business."

Putting a face on your business is the best cost-efficient way for your business to grow. The Chamber is your resource to do just that. Invest in Chamber membership, engage the Chamber process, and let us help you put a face on your business!

Why Invest in the Chamber?

As a business professional, your time and money are precious. We at the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce understand this. As a Chamber we want you to invest in what will result in the greatest efficiency, productivity, and marketability possible for you as a business. We strongly believe that Chamber membership can help you do all three. So let me share several reasons why I believe Chamber membership would be a good investment.

Networking and Business Exposure

Our monthly meetings, held the third Friday of every month at 12:00 Noon in South Point, Ohio, provide an opportunity for you to become acquainted with other business leaders in our area. The often-quoted adage, “It’s not “what” you know, but “who” you know,” is especially applicable in a business context. Allowing others to put a face on your business should be an important part of your marketing plan.

Along with our monthly meetings, those who invest in the Chamber have their services and products automatically referred to those who call the office and by your other Chamber colleagues. You also have the opportunity to advertise through our Chamber newsletter.

Committee Involvement

Another way of networking and forging relationships with other business leaders in our Tri-State Area is through your involvement on our Chamber committees.

The Chamber has six committees:

1.      1. Legislative

 Watches federal, state, and local issues, formulates Chamber positions, and sponsors debates and political forums.

2.      2. Social Affairs and Marketing

 Develops and plans Chamber events and functions.

3.      3.Transportation

  Addresses the transportation needs of Lawrence County.

4.      4. Natural Resources

  Charged with the oversight and care of Lawrence County’s natural resources.

5.      5. Education

 Addresses education issues, identifies annual education forums for Lawrence

County students, and networks with the employment and training community.

6.      6. Membership

 Charged with the task of recruiting and retaining Chamber members.

Government Advocacy

Strength comes in numbers. As a member of the Chamber, we have your best interests at heart in addressing local, state, and federal issues. You join a team of individuals committed to making Lawrence County a prosperous place to live and work. As your local resource center for the latest in developments and legislation that could affect your business, the Chamber is always available to answer whatever questions you may have. We work closely with local, state, and federal legislators to help gain approval of legislation that is beneficial to your business, while opposing passage of restrictive or detrimental regulations.

Membership Resources

The Chamber is devoted to providing the services and the resources you need to be competitive and cost-effective in your business. As you share your needs with us, we want to customize our services to meet those needs.

As a Chamber partner you will also have the opportunity to network with our strategic partners of the public and private sectors, such as the:

  • Lawrence Economic Development Corporation (LEDC)

  • Point Industrial Park

  • Procurement Outreach Center (POC)

  • Small Business and Development Center

  • Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)

For a minimal yearly investment you can take advantage of being a part of the Chamber network.

Please contact us at:

(740) 377- 4550 Office
(740) 377-2091 Fax

Greater Lawrence County Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 488
216 Collins Avenue
South Point, OH 45680-0488